ΩΡΕΣ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑΣ: Τετάρτη 10:00-20:00
  Πέμπτη - Κυριακή 10:00-17:00
  Δευτέρα & Τρίτη κλειστά

'Images of the Passion' special guided tour

27-04-2016 to 30-11--0001

The Director of the A. G. Leventis Gallery Loukia Loizou Hadjigavriel, Deputy Director Demetra Theodotou Anagnostopoulou and Curator  Katerina Stephanides will take you on a tour through  a selection of 'Images of the Passion' from The Paris Collection of the A. G. Leventis Gallery. Unique and beautiful artworks from the permanent and reserve collection of the Gallery  explore images of the Passion of Christ datong from the Renaissance, the Baroque and through to the Middle Ages. The Leventis Gallery team will look at depictions of the resurrection of Lazarus,  the flagellation of Christ and His crucifixion, and will interpret the iconographic symbols and style of the images that recur in images of the Passion of Christ, with a focus on the meaning and message of Holy Week, as the days of Christ's resurrection and redemption draw near.


The tour will be in Greek.

Cost: Free

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