ΩΡΕΣ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑΣ: Τετάρτη 10:00-20:00
  Πέμπτη - Κυριακή 10:00-17:00
  Δευτέρα & Τρίτη κλειστά

‘On the Floor’ - Live performance

29-01-2020 to 29-01-2020

29 January 2020, 20:30

Claude Monet Hall, A. G. Leventis Gallery

On the occasion of the temporary exhibition ‘Michael Michaeledes – I only ask for Light’ at the A. G. Leventis Gallery, visual artist PASHIAS and poet Daphne Nikita present a live performance in conversation with works from the artistic practice of Michael Michaeledes, as a meeting path for creators from diverse means of expression. The performance will take place on Wednesday 29 January 2020 at 20:30, with a duration of one hour and free entrance.  

Michael Michaeledes’ (1923-2015) artistic journey has been characterized by the creation of geometric stretch canvases, achieving international recognition by representing Greece in the Venice Biennale in 1976. Michaeledes architecturally defines visual space through his use of geometric shapes, shifting between flat and embossed surfaces, from two-dimensional to three-dimensional spaces. The viewer’s optic field is shaped by the recurrent use of white ‘colour’ on the surface of his structures, as the ultimate amalgamation of the color spectrum. Light takes the role of the creator, allowing shade to construct its own image -as a poetic gesture- through the shifting position of the viewer.  

In live performance ‘On the floor’, the artist’s body becomes one with architecture’s horizontal axis, starting off from the flat dimension of the facade or the pediment, as elements often visualized in Michaelede’s work. The writing and voice of poet Daphne Nikita attribute -through her words- shape, volume and color to PASHIAS’ image, presenting the everlasting dialogue between ‘matter’ and ‘spirit’. The collaboration of Nikita and PASHIAS investigates the array of dimensions in contemporary creation, establishing a multidisciplinary approach to sculpture through performance art and poetry, and inviting the audience to revisit the historical artworks through a new ‘light’ of understanding. 

For bookings: 22668838 / rsvp@leventisgallery.org

Free entrance

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