ΩΡΕΣ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑΣ: Τετάρτη 10:00-20:00
  Πέμπτη - Κυριακή 10:00-17:00
  Δευτέρα & Τρίτη κλειστά

Musical narrative: Story of a Captive

01-03-2024 to 02-03-2024

With Marina Katsaris and Giannis Koutis.

Stratis Doukas’s masterpiece, «Ιστορία ενός αιχμαλώτου» (Story of a captive), a particularly simple yet powerful tale, comes to life at the A. G. Leventis Gallery through a narration accompanied by live music, inspired by the exhibition "From Asia Minor to Cyprus: Heyday – Catastrophe – Displacement – Rebirth", with the narrator Marina Katsaris and the musician Giannis Koutis.

The true story of the captivity, adventures and eventual rescue of a Greek soldier are the central elements of the book’s plot, extracts of which will be read by the narrator Marina Katsaris. Using different string, percussion and wind instruments that were found in Asia Minor during the period in which the story is set and by looking back at the musical styles of the wider region, Giannis Koutis creates an evocative soundscape that functions as a scenography and offers the listener an atmospheric context.

The performance will take place within the exhibition space. Before the performance, there will be a specially designed guided tour about the life and music of Asia Minor by the curator of the temporary exhibition, Despina Christofidou.

Dates & Times:
Friday/ 01.03 2024 at 19:00-20:00 & 20:30-21:30
Saturday/ 02.03 2024 at 19:00-20:00 & 20:30-21:30
€15 (advance ticket payment required)

Reservations required:
| education@leventisgallery.org
| 22668838 (Monday – Friday, 09:00-13:00 & 14:00:16:30)

Limited availability.

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